Subaru Impreza GE-GH-GV-GR PRO rear suspension TCAs for antirollbars.
Package includes:
- Top TCA 25x2mm cromo tube with M16x1.5 RH and LH cromo joints, you can adjust the length just by rotating the arm
- Bottom TCA 32x2mm cromo tube with original antirollbar brackets. PRO adjuster, so you can adjust the length without removing the parts from the car.
- To all rosejoints you will get correct reducers down to original bolt sizes
- TCA/Tension arm/rear bracket powdercoated. All other parts electroplated
- Production sertificate for MOT inspection comes with the kit
Fits to:
Subaru Impreza GE-GH-GV-GR, N11 "Blobeye"